Wednesday, August 27, 2008

University Life: Day 2- WAKE UP.

Today is proving to be much more relaxing. I absolutely love riding my bike- except when it's blistering hot... So the clouds have been my friends lately. After a nice, brisk bike ride I find myself in philosophy (at 9am). I am awake and ready! And then class starts... and I am no longer awake and ready. We are going over everything I already read in the book last night, which I suppose is a good thing. Repetition is a form of learning, right? The minute David (a grad student) starts talking, I completely become tired and can think of nothing other than caffeine and very occasionally what David is saying. I attempt to take notes. I'm basically rewriting what I wrote last night. Whateva. The hour of class consists of debates over what an argument "really is" and HH and I's text conversation (she's in Physics in the next building over) which goes a little something like this: 

Me: So tired
HH: Bored
(5 minutes later)
HH: So very bored
(2 minutes later)
Me: Need coffee
HH: Me too
(repeat about 7 times) 
We really have nothing else to talk about, but texting each other provides hope that there is life outside this very boring class, and soon, it will be over. 

Finally I am downstairs drinking a blended iced vanilla latte and blogging. At which point HH texts me to say that she's off to her Calculus class... taught by a Chinese professor with an extreme accent. She says she can't understand ANYTHING. I laugh and tell her that's what she gets for being so dang smart. I asked her to record him...! 

I am more relaxed now. I have mastered the art of locking up my bike. It still takes me about 2 minutes, but I can do it. I managed to fandangle my schedule so I'm not traipsing around campus trying to get to my classes in an absurdly short amount of time.  I think I am going to do well here. This latte drinking, hall sitting, macbook blogging, apartment living, cute teacher life is totally my style. 

I'm off to read Edgar Allen Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado" *so excited :D*  n

1 comment:

Samson Agonistes said...

Hey! The Cask of Amontillado is a Great story you irreverent little brat! How dare you profane Poe! Okay, that's a little much. BUT ONLY A LITTLE! By the way, I love the Germany quote by Poe -Thanks for sharing it.