Monday, August 25, 2008

Uh, ok. First day of classes? First day of freedom?

My Philosophy 110 class, is like high school- big boy style. Which basically means, I don't have to attend if I don't want to. That is all. Everything else... the same. Class size? 30max.  Same stupid clock on the wall, same silly desks... etc. Which, I suppose, I am ok with. 

Riding my bike has been quite the adventure... TRYING desperately not to run into people has become my main goal for today. Seriously people, let's look where we're walking. It's hot. I got to my first class and was practically dripping in sweat. Oh winter, where art thou???

I am sitting next to the Steward Observatory right now... in some shaded courtyard where it's maybe 96 degrees instead of 97. I have a class here today...but before then I have to trek across campus to another far away place. 

I have a two hour gap between my first class and my last three classes. 10-12pm.  I'm not sure what to do with my time. i am sitting here blogging for fear that if I get up and walk somewhere, I'll be, yet again, drenched in sweat. Yuckk.

I suppose if it wasn't hella humid outside, and sticky and hot, I'd be OK.

And for all that complaining I suppose I should write one good thing... The trees are nice. 

Oh and it might rain!

I will probably update again later today =)

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