Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I take our AC unit for granted. Then it breaks. Then I no longer take it for granted. Ahh, life lessons.

For four days I have been attempting to pack in a 90 degree house. Ouch. My energy being drained from me a billion times faster now. It's fixed today, and I can continue packing in a more comfortable state. Not that one should ever relate "packing" to "comfortable".

My sleeping patterns are all jacked up. I'm constantly tired but unable to sleep. Constantly on my macbook putting off the inevitable move.

I'm sick. Constantly nasueas. Constant headache. Mentally ill with physical symptoms. Now I'm just burping up phrases. I'd better go before this gets even weirder...

1 comment:

Samson Agonistes said...

Packing Stinks.

Since I cannot comment on your next post, "feel" let me say it here. A good name for that post might have been "He" if it were only one syllable, but alas it is two.