Monday, October 13, 2008


Sitting in my Greek Mythology class I realize that I am hardly mature enough to handle the content in this course. I have not yet surpassed the point in my life at which I can control my urge to giggle at the word, "penis". Nor am I yet able to summon the strength to surpress a laugh as we talk about young teenagers knocking the penises off of all of the Greek statues (under what circumstances this happened, I am unsure. Of when and where I am also unsure, as I only started listening once I heard the dirty words). My friends and I duck our heads and laugh until we start to cry. The maturity level in row four on the far right side is just about zero, maybe a little below. The fact that we are not the only ones giggling at the Oedipal nature of some of these Gods is comforting, however it does not change the fact that I feel utterly childish. Oh Greek Mythology, how you slay me.

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