Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Ok- so I am spending my morning applying for schools... ready?

Carnegie Mellon
Cincinnati Conservatory
Boston Conservatory
OKlahoma City Un.
... I can't remember the others at the moment...

But anyway-

last year my kind father drove me to LA to audition for Cincinnati. I seriously failed my dance audition: the solution? Taking ballet... knowing what all these silly french turns are... I'm realizing now that maybe I should wait and audition FALL 2010 ... to get some ballet under my belt. Auditions for Fall 2009 are Feb 8.. too soon to learn ballet?

What do you guys think?


David August said...

Yay! As it gets closer you'll know if you'll be ready by February. Dance now, decide only when you absolutely need to; no need to rush.

Samson Agonistes said...

do em both. The practice will do you good.