Thursday, December 18, 2008
I have something to blog about.
In my life, I have been fortunate enough to never have had any serious illnesses or plights that caused me to take up residency in a hospital. I have never required special medical attention, nor any medical procedures (thank goodness). (side note: My mother is a nurse and I have an incredible fear of hospitals, go figure.) I have an immense (probably irrational) fear of hospitals and of anesthesia, a terrible fear. So you can imagine the exact reason I was brought immediately to tears this morning when some DOCTOR guy told me I HAD to have surgery. My mother was quickly irritated with my childish behavior in refusing the procedure. "You can't REFUSE a surgery you NEED to have" she says. *sigh*. So I sit and listen to how disgusting this process is going to be. So all the way home I'm shaking uncontrollably, like a five year old, and on the verge of throwing up my breakfast. This must be the biggest thing to happen to me in... well, a long time- hence its being in my blog. The cause of my surgery shall remain unsaid, as it is rather unimportant to this post. The point is, I AM FREAKING OUT. I watch far too much Grey's Anatomy to be put under anesthesia and cut open. Don't fool yourselves surgeons... I know EXACTLY what goes on in those ORs........